Dr. Amy Louise Beam– Independent Consultant
Surfsong, Wellhouse, St. Philip, BARBADOS
246-423-6298 in Barbados
240-696-1905 in US
009 0537 502 6683 mobile in Turkey
Skype: amyLbeam
E-mail: amybeam@yahoo.com
Citizenship: United States
Style and Strengths:Dr. Beam's combined careers in education (12 years) and information technology (20+ years) make her uniquely suited for bridging the communications gap between technical specialists and non-technical managers and end-users. She can speak in plain English so that people understand. She is available for senior IT development positions or managerial positions which utilize her skills either in educational leadership or IT/Information Management. A professional handwriting analysis (done at the request of a client) states her style as "...an iron fist in a velvet glove. She gets people to do anything for her." Her Meyers-Brigg leadership style is ENTJ, described as "marshalling people to their distant goals." By mentoring others and promoting their achievements, Beam enjoys great staff loyalty and client trust.
- Research and Evaluation
- Educational Policy Development
- Educational Advisor
- Training of Trainers
- Curriculum Development
- Technical Writing
- Proposal Writing
- ICT Project Management
- Training Programmers/Analysts
- Management Consulting and Organizational Development
- Systems Analysis and Programming
- Software Development
- Internet Database Application and Search Engine Development
- Web Site Design
Technical Skills: Progress RDBS and WebSpeed (see http://www.progresstraining.info)
JavaScript, HTML, FTP software, client-server software, UNIX, Microsoft WORD, PayPal
Education: 3 yrs. study in Systems Analysis, Miami University of Ohio, Phi Kapa Phi Honor Society
B.S. English Education, Ohio University
M.S., Educational Admin and Organizational Development, Syracuse University, NY
Ed.D., Educational Admin and Organizational Development,Syracuse University, NY
Superintendents license in the state of New York
Post-graduate studies: UNIX, Progress 4GL
Partial Client List:
- Mount Ararat Trek (tourism, Turkey)
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington (professor)
- U.S. Agency for International Development (procurement)
- U.S. Dept of Treasury; Bureau of Engraving and Printing (manufacturing)
- U.S. Department of Transportation (database management; publications)
- U.S. Department of Navy (relational database training)
- U.S. Department of Army (procurement, IT management)
- Northrop-Grummon (Dept. of Defense; Defense Travel System)
- Chemonics (USAID/MCA Zambia) (evaluation, communications)
- National Institute of Mental Health
- Virginia Department of Mental Health
- Fayetteville Hospital (Arkansas, US)
- Forensic Technologies International
- Price Waterhouse
- Smithsonian Institution
- National Geographic Society (market research; educational films)
- Federal National Mortgage Association (IT evaluation and training)
- Principal Financial Group (mortgage banking)
- Pepsi International Bottling
- Uccelli (Guatemalan manufacturing/export company)
- Turks and Caicos Ministry of Tourism (proposal writing)
- Prism Services (Barbados)
- PAREDOS (Parent Education for Development in Barbados)
- National yellow pages advertising agencies
- New York Times Syndicate
- Fairfax County, Virginia, US, Public Schools
- Ohio Penitentiary
- Cleveland City Hall (Ohio), Department of Housing and Urban Renewal
- Central National Bank, Cleveland, Ohio
- Ameritech Corporation
- Citco Technology Management (fund managemet)
- ASTEA Corporation (call center software)
- World Calendar, Inc. (global search engine)
Education and
Training:University of North Carolina at Wilmington (UNCW, 2007)
Professor teaching graduate level course in Instructional Technology Theory and Design. Students sometimes meet face-to-face in the computer lab, but most classes use distance education; i.e., are taught online using Blackboard Vista and Horizon Wimba software in real time.Syracuse City Schools, New York (1972-79) - Beam was a secondary English teacher and Vice Principal in a low-income urban school and also taught in-service education specializing in individualized education and curriculum development. She is a strong proponent of criterion-referenced testing. She also taught creative writing adult education and linguistics classes dealing with teaching standard English to speakers of Black dialect. She was featured in the New York Times education section as an exemplary teacher in individualized instruction and was selected for Who’s Who in Secondary Education. Beam was a team leader in a school that pioneered a unique educational model for underachieving, at-risk students. In the "house plan" a team of six core teachers taught a group of 150 students for three consecutive years. Students entered 7th grade reading an average of three years below grade-level and finished 9th grade reading on grade-level. Thus, for every one year taught, the students gained two years in their reading skills. Beam also was responsible for implementing the transition (with great resistance) of all physical education, industrial arts ("shop") and home economics classes from single-sex to coeducational classes according to Federal mandate.
Onondago County Schools, New York(1979-80) – Director of Special Education responsible for getting state and federal funding for special education programs and for implementing and enforcing federal regulations (Title I) for remedial learning and educational equity for female and minority students.
U.S. Department of Education (1981) – Organized the first U.S. national hands-on conference to introduce the use of personal computers to over 300 public school teachers. Was a reader on a national team of educators to evaluate and rank 1000+ proposals from U.S. school districts competing for Federal funding of special projects.
Fairfax County School Board in Fairfax County, Virginia (1981-83) - Planned and supervised the complete revision of the Policies and Procedures (1200 pages) for the tenth largest school district in the United States with 13,000 employees and an annual budget of 432 million dollars in 1983. The Policies and Procedures manuals cover the departments of Human Resources, Finance, Operations, Instruction, Facilities Management, and Student Services. The rewriting of these manuals involved development of writing standards and style, consultation with the Corporate Counsel, and many training sessions with Department Superintendents and their staff. Dozens of policies and procedures, proliferated over many years, were consolidated, streamlined, cross-referenced and indexed. During this time, Beam also served on the senior management team as School Board Clerk and Liaison Officer and was responsible for 12-month annual scheduling, preparing agenda materials and recording legal minutes for all public Board meetings, public hearings, county budget hearings, closed School Board executive sessions, and School Board legal hearings. She also prepared legislative recommendations for county and state action.
Federal National Mortgage Association (1986-87) - Beam conducted a technical training needs assessment for 500 data processing employees at Fannie Mae in Washington, DC. She also taught train-the-trainer classes and advised department managers in developing internal management and technical training programs.
National Geographic Society (1990s) – Convened annual focus groups of educators to research the competition and then develop 100 educational film ideas that would compliment state curriculum mandates. After surveying 40,000 educators, the 15 top-rated films were produced each year. One of them became the best-selling National Geographic educational film in 25 years.
Ciba-Geigi (1975-78) – Taught Ilford color photography classes for retail photography stores in the northeast United States.
Central National Bank of Cleveland, Ohio – Taught bank tellers and also worked in data processing department.
Progress Training (1990-present) - Beam specializes in the Progress 4GL and RDMS, a competitor of Oracle. Its Internet version, WebSpeed, provides the most powerful Internet-compatible database language available. Beam offers her own proprietary training classes and has taught hundreds of analyst/programmers in the government and private sectors. Details at http://www.progresstraining.info.
OnLine Teacher – Beam has developed web-based self-instructional lessons that teach users how to sell anything on the Internet using credit card payments.
Relational Database Design Class - Wrote and taught one-week database design classes to government, military, and private sector clients.
Writing and
Development:Onondaga County Schools, New York (1979-80) - conducted proposal writing class for teachers in Onondaga County, New York, 90% of whom received full funding for their proposals. The Ohio Penitentiary (1971) - Wrote a multi-disciplinary curriculum for Afro-American studies for the Ohio Penitentiary. This project also involved conducting a needs assessment with prison staff and inmates.
Programming in Progress and WebSpeed (1983 - present) - Beam has written her own proprietary curriculum with student manuals for both introductory and advanced programming classes. See http://www.progresstraining.info.
OnLine Teacher - Beam has written e-Learning lessons to teach people how to sell anything on the Internet by accepting credit card payments. Lessons cover HTML, domain names, e-marketing, FTP software, and more.
The New York Times Syndicate (2001) - The New York Times syndicated a daily events column for World Calendar, driving traffic to its web site.
Turks and Caicos, Ministry of Tourism (1993) - Wrote a successful proposal for the government of the Turks and Caicos Islands, submitted to the EU, for US $500,000 in funding for 25 local tourism projects.
TTA Press (1990-91) - Beam conducted worldwide data collection on leisure events and published Beam’s Directory of Tourist Events 1991, which contained 2500 major annual events from 85 countries. This project included hiring and supervising staff, printing the books, establishing distribution channels with major book distributors, book fulfillment, publicity, and marketing.
Adinolfi Books (2005-07) - publisher and editor of poetry books. See www.elianabeam.com
Smithsonian Institute (1987) -Wrote PR releases and conducted radio shows to promote several research projects including the Biosphere project in Arizona and a marine research project growing crabs in The Turks and Caicos.
Editor/English Teacher (2007) - Consults with an Italian employee of Ministry of Finance in Italy who will be transferring to the UN in NYC and needs her written work in English edited. We have daily online lessons to evaluate and improve her writing skills in preparation for her UN reporting responsibilities.
Publications: Beam has published in various IT technical journals, leisure travel magazines, and several educational anthologies for school administrators including Women and Educational Leadership. She is also co-author of a reference book describing hundreds of model in-service educational programs, including distance learning. (Syracuse University, 1980)
Information Technology: Chemonics/U.S. Agency for International Development (2006) - As an ICT hotline specialist to the MCA Zambia project to fight government corruption, evaluated business processes, hardware and software in four ministries and one civil society to recommend acquisition of hardware, software, and training to establish customer service help desks and hotline mechanisms for persons to report government corruption. This evaluation included the evaluation of the Zambian internet, landline, and mobile phone services. Clients included Transparency International Zambia (TIZ), Ministry of Lands (MOL), Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA), Immigration Department, Anti-corruption Commission (ACC). U.S. Agency for International Development (1992) - As the USAID Project Leader, Beam conducted evaluation of the software component of the Family Planning Logistical Management program developed and managed by John Snow, Inc. This program purchased and disseminated over US $80 million worth of contraceptives worldwide. The evaluation resulted in 72 recommendations for improving program management both by USAID and the contractor. Follow-up included three months of software acceptance testing, resulting in identification of 500 software problems and recommendations for enhancements to the software.
CACI & U.S. Department of the Army (1988-89) – As IT Director, rebuilt the programming and technical writing department for the prime contractor, CACI Inc., when the programming staff resigned. This was a project in crisis when we took over the software management. This was a US $10 million contract to develop and support the Army’s SACCONS procurement contracting software used worldwide by 157 U.S. Army bases. We programmed quarterly software releases to fix a backlog of 400 software trouble reports and to enhance the software. Management services included rewriting the user manual and technical support manuals with a team of 15 programmers, trainers, and procurement specialists. Other tasks included assigning work, scheduling releases, trouble shooting, redesigning software, establishing procedures for hotline responsiveness, meeting with Army staff for design reviews, developing programming standards and technical documentation, configuration management, training QA staff and the training department, and training Army procurement specialists to query their database.
Mount Ararat Trek (2007 - present) - Owner of tourism company to promote economic development in in eastern Turkey. Tours include Mount Ararat excursions, nature and cultural tours in eastern Turkey. Efforts include web site development, driving traffic, reservations, teaching basic business skills including pricing and contract negotiation, PR, English writing skills, and web design. See http://www.mountararattrek.com.
World Calendar, Inc. (1997-2002) - As the principal in World Calendar, an Internet business, Beam raised investment money, designed and programmed a search engine that manages over 80,000 major annual business and leisure events around the world. World Calendar’s database is searchable by destination, date range, and keyword. It also has an entire online, automated accounting and targeted advertising component. Beam managed a remote staff of 20 persons doing text mining, data entry, data conversion, and writing travel calendars for The New York Times Syndicate. The accounting portion of the software calculated employee pay online in real time, based on quantity of work completed, and included full back office invoicing and commissions payments for targeting advertising.
Northrop-Grummon DOD Defense Travel System (2005) - Part of a specialized team of 3 senior software engineers (out of 80 developers) who performance-tuned Progress code that was running at 95% CPU capacity and supporting 22,000 online users per day. Legacy code had to be optimized to work with an Oracle database server.
OnLine Teacher (2004) - Beam has developed an e-learning Internet application that uses secure online credit card payments to buy each lesson.
Web Site Design (1997- present) - Beam has developed numerous web sites using HTML code including accommodations rentals, car rentals, tourism, social services, and more.
Training and Technology Associates (1983 - 87) - As the owner of TTA Inc, used technical specifications developed by Deloitte Haskins and Sells and the National Yellow Pages Association (in the US) to design and program turnkey software for advertising agencies to automate the placement of advertising in yellow page telephone directories in North America. The software included order processing, electronic communications on the GE network (prior to the Internet), data conversions and transfers, invoicing, extensive reporting, and system administration. This software was the first in the U.S. to be certified by the National Yellow Pages Service Association when the industry implemented electronic data transfers of orders. Development included analysis, design, programming, testing, debugging, national marketing (including trade shows), installation, data conversions, training users, documentation, and hotline support. This software was sold in North America until Beam sold her copyright.
International Road Federation for Department of Transportation (1983) - Designed and programmed database application to catalog hundreds of road development projects in 60 countries. Also trained senior-level managers who were new computer users to use the software and perform data entry, thus automating a previous manual method.
Uccelli (1988) - Performed systems analysis and developed technical design specifications for automating a manufacturing and export company in Guatemala. The design included inventory, ordering, shop floor control, shipping and billing. Special attention was given to developing procedures to reduce employee theft of expensive leather.
Management Consulting: U.S. Department of Treasury (1987) - Consulted to the Price Waterhouse project manager for a US $6 million contract with the U.S. Department of Treasury to implement new Cullinet manufacturing software at the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing. This contract supported 22 Price Waterhouse employees. Beam evaluated the Price Waterhouse project staff, operational procedures, and training materials; conducted interviews with government managers; then advised and mentored the Price Waterhouse project manager on management and training techniques for implementing the software. Forensic Technologies International - Performed independent evaluation of FTI's computer operations and technical staff for senior management. Recommended corrective actions for both management and technical staff.
Cleveland City Hall, Department of Housing and Urban Renewal - Researched the state of Cleveland housing conditions, housing code enforcement, national model urban housing projects, and bank partnerships for urban renewal projects. Recommended public policy and partnership programs with the private sector for urban renewal